Monday, August 19, 2013

S T R E E T S M A R T : Girly Grunge

There are some looks I come across that I can't get out of my mind, no matter what's in trend or how many years have passed. One such look is of Jessica Hart a few years back when she wore a floral grunge-y dress with studded converse. It looked like such a cute and comfortable look, and fun to replicate but easy to still make your own. 

The most important part is to find the right floral maxi dress. I have found that the early 90s produced a ton of these dresses, and I often come across them for the shop. The latest dress I have found is the one below. The rest is easy: old converse, glasses if you where them, and a great leather backpack (vintage or new). 

Shoes - Converse 
Glasses - Madewell
Backpack - Madewell