Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Vintage Shopping Tips from Refinery 29

Obviously, I love vintage shopping. For one reason, it's usually cheaper than department or boutique store clothing. Two, it's all one-of-a-kind (no need to worry about showing up wearing the same thing as someone else). Three, it helps you get creative to make your own personal style. Four, what better way to be green than recycling old/used stuff! Five, every piece has a story behind it, and even if you don't know the exact history of the item, it's still cool knowing that you are part of it. And six, the feeling you get when you find that one perfect item is priceless. 

There are lots of tips to shopping vintage, but Erin Hagstrom from Refinery 29 made a short and sweet list of tips on their website. Check it out here.